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Platanias Tattoo


1. How much does a tattoo cost ? -

The price of a tattoo differs from various types of factors depending on the graphic style, the body region, the size of the tattoo and which artist will do it.
If you wish to get information about our prices, send us the details of your project on what’s app or email and we will get back to you quickly.

2. Do I need to make an appointment to get tattooed? +

3. What should I do to prepare  for my appointment? +

4. Are tattoos painful ? +

5. Can I make an appointment by phone ? +

6. What  aftercare do I need to help with the healing process? +

7. How long does it take for a tattoo to heal ? +

8. Can I get a tattoo during summer time ? +

9. How can I remove a tattoo I don’t like anymore ? +

10. How tattoos Age ? +

11. Can I get a tattoo on my hands and fingers? +

12. Can my friends come along with me the day I will get tattooed? +

13. Second skin +